Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Purge Election Year: Relief From Reality

Does this election have you down? Do you feel that Donald Trump’s cruel and racist words aren’t funny anymore due to the potential he has of becoming president? You might need to go see the upcoming movie, “The Purge Election Year, Keep America Great” to see how bad things could be.  The new film comes out just at the perfect time of the election and even plays off Trump’s montra of “Make America Great Again.”  It has a similar story line as the other three where one day out of the year, for 24 hours, all crime is legal.  The government officials now start participating in the purge to take out potential threats to their agendas. It greatly effects the upcoming presidential election. These plots become much easier once a law is revoked making all government officials subject to being purged. The story progresses and gets crazier than all the others. You’ll just have to go out and see it!

Stand For Something: The Pro's of Colin Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, has been one of the biggest controversies being talked about this year.  The issue surrounding him happened when he refused to stand for the national anthem. Kaepernick’s reasoning behind why is because he didn’t want to belong to a country that oppresses black people and people of color. He has many out there who don’t like what he did and many that do. In the year that we are living in now, it is refreshing to see someone using their platform to stand up for what they believe in. Kaepernick has been using his right to freedom of speech and expression, which is why he hasn’t done anything wrong. It isn’t a popular decision among veterans and those who are serving in the military. But Kaepernick did just what his first amendment right gives him the freedom to do. He exercised his freedoms and is trying to make the country better. Regardless of whether it was the best way or not, he did what he thought he had to do.

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Of Greatest Honor: The Olympic Reception

Following the 2016 Rio Olympics, President Obama invited several Olympians and paralympians to the White House.  There was a reception held in honor of their success at the Olympic games. The US brought home the most medals than any other country and it was a huge honor.  Our country is surrounded by sports and we have some of the greatest players in the country playing on our teams. That is why President Obama inviting them in was a great display of appreciation for all the hard work that they had put forth. They train day in and day out all for every four years to compete. It is so short and so intense but when we come home with the medals it all becomes worth it. I think that both the Olympians and paralympians being invited to the white house helped them know that we appreciate them.

DIY Scrabble Tile Coasters

What you need:
  • Scrabble tiles
  • E-6000 glue
  • Pre-cut cork coasters
  • Sharp scissors or knife
  • Clear polyurethane spray

Step 1: Choose 16 four-letter words to put on your coasters. Choosing a theme is suggested like beer, wine, tea, coffee.

Step 2: Using the E-6000, glue each letter by row to cork. I tried to get a little glue in between each letter so they would adhere together neatly. Align top of first word to top of cork square.

Step 3:  Once you are done gluing each coaster, put a heavy book on top to ensure that they dry flat. Let them dry for 1 hour. If you have to trim some of your coasters up you can do so after they have dried.

Step 4: Place tiles on paper bag or newspaper. Follow directions on spray bottle of polyurethane to coat tiles. It is recommended that you put 1 coat on, let dry for 10 minutes and then coated again.
