Does this election have you down? Do you feel that Donald
Trump’s cruel and racist words aren’t funny anymore due to the potential he has
of becoming president? You might need to go see the upcoming movie, “The Purge
Election Year, Keep America Great” to see how bad things could be. The new film comes out just at the perfect
time of the election and even plays off Trump’s montra of “Make America Great
Again.” It has a similar story line as
the other three where one day out of the year, for 24 hours, all crime is
legal. The government officials now
start participating in the purge to take out potential threats to their
agendas. It greatly effects the upcoming presidential election. These plots
become much easier once a law is revoked making all government officials
subject to being purged. The story progresses and gets crazier than all the
others. You’ll just have to go out and see it!